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How to Make Sure a Divorce Solicitor Is Right For You

Divorce is not an easy phase; therefore, it becomes more difficult to find the right divorce lawyer at such distressing moments. But it is better to find the right one at the beginning instead of changing them amid the proceedings. The right attorney will also save you money and time spent on changing lawyer after lawyer. To find the divorce solicitors or divorce mediation lawyer that suit you the best, know a few things to help make a choice.

Steps to follow in choosing the right divorce solicitor

1.      Understand their role

The role of a divorce attorney is to do their best to represent their client and help resolve custody matters and dissolve the assets. Do not waste the time you pay for consultation into venting your frustrations about the situation to them. So, have a clear understanding of their role and know what to expect from their services.

2.      Stay focused

Know that your goal is to get divorced without too much delay and complications. Having too many unnecessary negotiations will make the procedure expensive and more litigious. Therefore, be very clear on your standings regarding the terms and conditions you want to be fulfilled from the divorce. 

3.      Know what you want

Before rushing in hiring a divorce solicitor, know the options available to you. If no finances and children are involved, hiring a mediator to negotiate the terms will be enough. This method is fast and cheap. If the settlement terms are more complicated, then you will need to hire a divorce lawyer. And the last option is litigated trial when both parties deny compromising.

4.      Choose minimum three potential solicitors

Do not rush yourself in hiring the first divorce lawyer that you come across. Not every lawyer handles similar cases. Meet few lawyers and choose at least three potential ones before hiring one of them. You need to find the one with whom you can communicate properly and who understands the case completely. 

5.      Research and interview the lawyers

Ask different questions relevant o the case and their profession. Ask their specialization, fees range, connection with financial experts, resources to get information, etc. more questions are mentioned further in the article.

6.      Be alert when hiring

Another thing to keep in mind when hiring a divorce attorney is to look out for red flags. Attorneys will tell you what you want to hear, for you, it is a difficult life decision but, for them, it is business. Do not hire them if they reveal information about clients to brag about their skills or make big promises. A good lawyer should be ethical and practice confidentiality of client’s information.

7.      Make hiring decision

The hired divorce solicitor will represent you as well as will access a lot of personal information. So, make sure to hire a legal representative who respects your decision and understands the importance of child custody. Divorce is an important decision, so find the right lawyer who will make this process easier and less hectic for you.

Questions to ask your divorce solicitor

When interviewing a potential solicitor, you can ask them the following questions to see if they are right for you:

  • Do they specialize in divorce cases? Have they ever handled family cases? Are they "certified family law specialists"?
  • Do they understand your case? How will they approach it, and will they be able to resolve it?
  • What is their hourly rate, and how will they charge you?
  • In times of emergency, how can you get in touch with them? Do they take calls after working hours?
  • Will you be allowed to negotiate with your spouse?
  • What are all the different fees/costs that you should expect, and how will you be charged for them?
  • Is there any way to reduce the total divorce cost?
  • Once they review the case, ask them if your terms will be met?


When interviewing the lawyers, make sure to also pay attention to their body language and word choices. It will tell you how invested and understanding the lawyer is about your case. Keep asking them questions at all times related to how the case is progressing. It is your life, so be aware of every step that your lawyer takes. 


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